Saturday, May 23, 2009

Egoism in Perak - Have Brains Lets Think

The three judges' judgment; Sultan could select and at the same time could sack the MB? But what we laymen understand; the Sultan could select and nominate the MB but not to sack him.

Perak's fate could be ascertained by the decision of one or two or three judges? To solve the problem, then let the Perakians decide through the re-election which party they want to administer the state.

To us laymen again; Law as a guidance for our harmony and prosperty. Discreetly, on certain instances, law could be adjusted to suit what the majority's wanted.

Law is not something so sacred that forces us to follow blindly. It is as a tool to safeguard our harmony, and propagate prosperity for all.

We have brains, lets think.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Lima Minit Untuk Mengumumkan MB Perak Yang Sah(?)

Tiga hakim Mahkamah Rayuan hanya mengambil lima minit untuk mengumumkan Zambry Kadir daripada BN adalah Menteri Besar Perak yang sah dan bukannya Nizar Jamaluddin dianggap luar biasa.

“Lebih mengejutkan ketiga-tiga hakim berkenaan mengambil pendirian senada bahawa Sultan Perak mempunyai kuasa penuh untuk melantik Zambry tanpa mengadakan sidang Dewan Undangan Negeri untuk mengambil undi tidak percaya terhadap Nizar,” kata Setiausah politik Nizar, Misbahul Munir Masduki.

Hakim Md Raus Sharif, Zainun Ali dan Ahmad Maarop tidak memberikan hujah bertulis bagi menyokong keputusan mereka yang mempunyai implikasi mendalam terhadap sistem demokrasi berparlimen di negara ini dan kuasa-kuasa istana sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan.

Mengulas keputusan mahkamah itu, peguam Nizar, Sulaiman Abdullah berkata, “Negara kita mempunyai hakim-hakim luar biasa dengan kebolehan luar biasa.”

“Kini Nizar hanya boleh merayu kepada Mahkamah Persekutuan sebagai ruang perundangan terakhir untuk menegakkan mandat rakyat dan perlembagaan negeri Perak,” jelas Misbahul dalam blognya hari ini.

Keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan hari ini tentunya sukar ditelan oleh bukan sahaja penyokong Pakatan Rakyat tetapi juga pendokong demokrasi malah di kalangan peguam sendiri.

Presiden Majlis Peguam Malaysia K.Ragunath berkata keputusan mahkamah hari ini seolah-olah meletakkan kuasa-kuasa Sultan sebagai menjangkau parlimen atau dewan undangan negeri.

Ragunath berkata Mahkamah Rayuan seolah-olah memberikan Sultan kuasa-kuasa yang menjangkaui daripada apa yang diperuntukan oleh perlembagaan.

Penasihat Dap Lim Kit Siang berkata keputusan mahkamah tanpa penghujahan bernas adalah mengejutkan dan satu penganiayaan proses keadilan.

Namun beliau menjangka keputusan itu akan menjejaskan lagi kredibiliti Perdana Menteri Najib Razak.

“Keputusan hari ini hanya membuatkan rakyat lebih marah dan mempercepatkan kejatuhan Barisan Nasional,” kata Lim Kit Siang.

Ketua Pemuda Angkatan Keadilan Pemuda Samsul Iskandar Mohd Akin menyifatkan keputusan itu “memualkan” dan dipengaruhi oleh tekanan politik.

Beliau berkata keputusan tiga hakim itu jelas begitu cetek, tanpa disokong oleh fakta bernas bukan sebagaimana penghujahan lengkap yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur yang mengisytiharkan Nizar sebagai Menteri Besar sah sebelum ini.

Pemerhati politik berpandangan bahawa keputusan ini memang sudah dijangka kerana bibit-bibit campurtangan politik ini telah diwar-warkan oleh Perdana Menteri sendiri apabila beliau berkata BN hanya akan menimbang mengadakan pertemuan dengan Pakatan Rakyat bagi mencari penyelesaian krisis politik Perak setelah selesai proses mahkamah.

Umumnya penyelesaian politik tidak ada kena-mengenai dengan keputusan mahkamah dan kenyataan Najib itu menimbulkan persepsi beliau sudah tahu hala keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan sebelum membuat kenyataan itu awal minggu ini.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Court of Appeal: Judgement Tomorrow 3.30 pm

By SK English News

The hearing began with Zambry’s lawyer Cecil Abraham submitting that High Court judge Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim had erred in adopting a previously decided case law - the Stephen Kalong Ningkan case.

Cecil also questioned the judge for not attaching sufficient weight to documentary evidence produced before him on the legality of Zambry’s appointment.

The lawyer said Justice Abdul Aziz himself had admitted he did not consider evidence showing how the Perak Sultan ordered Nizar to resign but the latter refused to do so. Cecil added that the state’s constitution provided for the royal command that Nizar resign.

“The sultan then interviewed all 28 BN reps, the three independents and (the then state Umno chief) Najib Abdul Razak on Feb 5 to ascertain if BN had the majority,” Cecil said. “Only then did the sultan inform Nizar that his request for dissolution was rejected and asked him to step down.”

Attorney General Abdul Gani Patail, who is intervening in the matter on behalf of the federal government, then took over.

Gani said that Nizar’s affidavit indirectly admitted that he had lost the majority in the state assembly by acknowledging that there was a deadlock, with both Pakatan and BN having 28 seats each.

Gani also said that since the Speaker of the assembly, V Sivakumar, would not be allowed to participate in a vote of no-confidence, the BN would have 28 seats to Pakatan’s 27.

House rules dictate that the Speaker can only vote if both BN and Pakatan had equal number of seats, minus the Speaker’s.

The AG also argued that there were no provisions under the Perak constitution that a menteri besar must be voted out through a no-confidence motion.

“If you have lost the confidence, you must resign. You cannot let the system go to disarray as we had seen in the legislative assembly,” Gani said.

He also supported Cecil’s argument that the High Court should not have used as a precedent, the Stephen Kalong Ningkan case.

Nizar’s side of the story

When the court reconvened after lunch at 2.10 pm, Nizar’s counsel Sulaiman Abdullah began by slamming the submissions put forth by Cecil and Gani, calling them ‘trash’.

Basically, Nizar’s stand is that the Sultan is empowered by the constitution to hire but not fire.

So regardless of the checks performed as mentioned by Cecil, the act of sacking Nizar was unconstitutional as it could only be performed by Nizar’s peers in the state assembly via a no-confidence vote. Not behind closed doors at the discretion of the Sultan.

A three-member panel is hearing the case after Nizar’s request for a five-man bench was rejected. The judges are Abdul Raus Sharif, Zainun Ali and Ahmad Maarop.

The hearing is expected to take a few days before the court can make a ruling, although DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang has expressed concern it might be trying to rush things through.

“Court of Appeal seems to want to finish hearing today. Hope there is no rush,” the veteran leader twittered from his mobile phone.

Sulaiman asked the court to put in perspective the arguments from Cecil and the AG. If these were accepted, then it means that even the prime minister can be fired by the Agong, if the latter so deems that the PM no longer enjoyed the support of the majority of BN lawmakers.

He reiterated there was no provision in the Perak constitution that gave express power for the Sultan to sack a menteri besar. The Ruler can only dismiss state executive councillors but not his chief minister.

“There is no constitutional provision for the menteri besar to be dismissed or sacked. That has to be done at the assembly where a vote of no-confidence should have been made,” said Sulaiman.

Sulaiman also argued that there was no need for Nizar to tender his resignation as there was no motion for a no-confidence vote to be tabled in the assembly. In fact, Speaker Sivakumar had written to the Sultan on Feb 6 to ask for a special sitting and to seek the postponement of Zambry’s appointment.

“But the ruler did not accede to it and appointed Zambry instead,” he said.

Sulaiman stressed that Nizar was not challenging the Sultan’s power not to dissolve the assembly. “Neither are we challenging his powers to call the elected representatives but he cannot take the large step forward to determine Nizar has lost his manority and order him to resign.”

With that, Sulaiman - Nizar’s lead counsel - ended his submission, urging the Appeals court not to change the decision of the High Court. Another of Nizar’s counsel, Ranjit Singh, also submitted, re-emphasizing points raised by Sulaiman.


Zambry’s lawyer Cecil has begun the rebuttal session, saying that a no-confidence vote was just one of many options to dismissing an MB. Tun Majid rebutted on behalf of the AG.

Meanwhile, Kit Siang has twittered back this meassage: “Today is Zambry’s 100 days as the squatter and usurper Perak Mentri Besar – and the question on everybody’s mind on Zambry’s first Black 100 Days is whether Perak would be Umno’s graveyard in the 13th national general election and Zambry the cause of Prime Minister Najib Razak’s downfall as the last Umno Prime Minister in Malaysia.”

Rebuttal has ended and the court has decided that it can deliver its judgement on Friday, May 22, at 3.30 pm.

Who is the Right Menteri Besar of Perak?

Or to confirm whether Nizar is the right Menteri besar? According to Sulaiman Abdullah, Nizar could be expelled as MB only true no confident vote during the Dewan Undangan Negeri's session. After MB was elected by the Sultan, the MB could only then be expelled by the Dewan.

While according to Zambry's counsel, the later has able to get the majority support of 3 state assemblymen, and after the Sultan has satisfied, then Zambry has been elected as the new MB.

Tomorrow, at 3.30pm., the Court of Appeal consisting of 3 judges will deliver the judgment who is right the MB. If, even the verdict was made, it still can be brought/appealed to the Federal Court(?). Huh, still long way to go!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Malaysians Future Till 2012

Ask ourselves is there future for Malaysians? The power of salaries that we get tends to decrease. Not only of not getting increment for some, however some of us already jobless. Through pro-government media, they say there are lot of new jobs down there to apply. What type of jobs? Are they commensurate with the skills and qualifications that we have? When we say these, they say we are too choosy, or too 'manja'!

Then the leaders start to say, "We are okay and still far better than some countries. We are at this number, this number, so no worries." When the price of oil going up, still they say our oil prices still low if compared to some countries, blah...blah. The issue is, until when they are going to give us such excuses? Until one by one of us dies? I think.

However, the top leaders continuing with their activities to increase their assets by whatever means, where the rakyat are continuing striving helplessly generation after generation.

The rivers' waters day by day become milky, polluted, and some have dried up. If we looked Japan in TV programs, their rivers' waters are clear and unpolluted. Why? They are cunning that whatever factories that pollute their air will be transferred to operate in countries like Malaysia. When the Japanese build up more and more factories in Malaysia, the country's leaders will tell the rakyat how good they are of able to bring in more and more foreign investors, polluted investors.

In trade, the Japanese using most of their brains, but the Malaysians are using more of their physical organs to produce outputs; products or services. If our student intend to further study in Japan, they have to study and pass the Japanese Language first, the medium of instruction at the Japanese universities or colleges.

In Malaysia, English has been put up to the highest place compared to Bahasa Melayu. To most leaders, BM has no standard at all compared to English. But they forget other than Japan, what about France, Germany, and Russia? Their preferences are their mother tongue languages. English is secondary or as a tool only to achieve something.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Prepare 200 Bloggers to Retain/Gain Political Power?

MCA women are now planning to prepare of having 200 bloggers to promote NF’s idealism. In the recent NGE, NF had lost many seats. According to them that due to many bloggers from the opposition parties did not give true pictures of the government and the NF.

Why many NF members so naïve? Rakyat today know how to judge anything. Most of them now are educated. Not like the NF members who are almost not educated and foresighted but only know how to polish their bosses to survive luxuriously.

As State Assemblyman, someone could earn basic income of around RM5,000.00. A year after won the post, he/she able to erect bungalow, buying posh car, etc. From where the extra monies come from?

I remember, my former MP of Parit won in 1969, never practiced money politics or involved in corruption. Until his death, the only car he had and left was a Morris Minor. He used that car when meeting the Rakyat and for formal functions in the constituency.

He had defeated the incumbent the late Dato’ Hussein Noordin former MD of Utusan Melayu Berhad, although the late Tun Razak had campaigned at Tanjung Belanja’s SK field aggressively for Hussein to win. I was a secondary student at that time played hidden role to influence all my relatives to vote PAS, and Cekgu Hashim Gera won.

Napoleon Bonaparte said, “We can cheat certain people at certain time, or we can cheat certain people at all times, or we can cheat all people at certain time, but we could not cheat all the people at all times.”

We have many liars till today, most of them are the world countries’ leaders. Saddam Hussein was killed in the absent of the impactful truths, but he was killed to fulfill the power crazy of the two most mad men (father and son) ever borned in this modern civilization. We can guess who they were!

Friday, May 15, 2009

MB Sah Diharamkan MB Batal Dihalalkan

Oleh : Peguam Hanipa Maydin

Saya percaya ramai ingin mengetahui sama ada keputusan Hakim Mahkamah Rayuan, Dato Ramly Ali menggantung pelaksanaan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi bermakna Zambry adalah Menteri Besar Perak yang sah?

Sebelum saya menjawab soalan tersebut, elok rasanya saya berkongsi dengan pembaca tentang perintah-perintah yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi pada 11 hb Mei yang lalu. Mahkamah Tinggi ketika mana membenarkan permohonan Dato Seri Nizar Jamaluddin memerintahkan seperti berikut :-

a. Berkenaan tafsiran Fasal 16 (6) Undang-Undang Tubuh Kerajaan Negeri Perak bahawa dalam keadaan di mana :

(i) Menteri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan ingin, dan telah member nasihat, untuk pembubaran Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak;

(ii) tidak terdapat pembubaran Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak;
(iii) tidak terdapat usul tidak percaya yang diambil dan diterimapakai dalam dan oleh Dewan Perhimpunan Undangan Negeri Perak terhadap Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan; dan

(iv) tidak terdapat perletakan jawatan mentri besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan;
Mahkamah mengisytiharkan jawatan Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan (yang dipegang secara sah oleh Nizar ) tidak boleh dan/atau tidak dikosongkan.

b. Perintah “quo warranto” dikeluarkan kepada Zambry (Responden) memerintahkan beliau untuk tunjuk sebab dan memberi maklumat bagaimana dan di bawah dasar atau kuasa atau authoriti mana beliau berhak kononnya memegang jawatan Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan kononnya bertindak dan/atau menjalankan dan/atau melaksanakan tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab, fungsi-fungsi dan tugas-tugas Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.

c. Perintah deklarasi bahawa Zambry TIDAK BERHAK untuk dan/atau TIDAK MENJAWAT jawatan Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan dan BUKANNYA Menteri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan pada bila-bila masa yang material.
d. Perintah injunksi untuk menghalang Zambry dan/atau agen-agen beliau dan/atau pengkhidmat-pengkhidmat beliau (seperti Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri - SUK) dari bertindak dan/atau menjalankan dan/atau melaksanakan tanggungjawab-tanggungjawab, fungsi-fungsi dan tugas-tugas Mentri Besar Negeri Perak Darul Ridzuan.

Itulah perintah-perintah yang Mahkamah Tinggi keluarkan pada 11 hb Mei yang lalu yang sekaligus menunjukkan secara jelas dan terang bahawa Dato Nizar (bukannya Zambry) adalah Menteri Besar Negeri Perak yang sah.

Pada asalnya selain daripada perintah-perintah tersebut , Nizar juga memohon perintah gantirugi . Namun di atas kesedaran bahawa wang bukanlah matlamat tindakan Mahkamah ini, maka Nizar telah menarik balik tuntutan gantirugi . Jika tidak ditarik terdapat kemungkinan besar Mahkamah Tinggi juga akan menganugerahkan gantirugi kepada Nizar yang mungkin jika ditaksirkan akan mencecah jumlah yang agak tinggi.

Nizar juga tidak memohon agar Zambry perlu membayar kos kepada beliau meskipun menjadi satu prinsip undang-undang pihak yang kalah seperti Zambry perlu membayar kos kepada pihak yang menang (iaitu Nizar). Jika Nizar tidak menarik balik perintah kos tersebut saya boleh bayangkan ratusan ribu ringgit yang mungkin Zambry perlu membayar kepada Nizar. Sekali lagi matlamat kewangan bukan faktor yang mendorong Nizar mencabar Zambry di Mahkamah.

Sekarang saya akan menjawab persoalan yang timbul di awal artikel ini. Permohonan untuk penggantungan pelaksanaan penghakiman (stay of execution of judgment) selalunya dipohon oleh pihak yang kalah dalam mana-mana prosiding Mahkamah. Permohonan tersebut selalunya dibuat bagi mengekalkan status quo iaitu supaya pihak yang menang tidak boleh menikmati perintah yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah.

Dalam kes ini sebenarnya peguam Zambry telah pada 11 hb Mei memohon secara lisan perintah penggantungan pelaksaanaan tersebut di Mahkamah Tinggi tetapi Mahkamah telah menolak permohonan Zambry tersebut. Maka Zambry telah pada hari ini (12 Mei) memohon perintah tersebut di Mahkamah Rayuan dan peguam Nizar telah membantah permohonan tersebut. Dari segi undang-undang prinsip yang terpakai bagi permohonan penggantungan pelaksanaan adalah pihak yang memohon tersebut perlu menunjukkan dan meyakinkan Mahkamah bahawa terdapat keadaan yang istimewa atau unik (special circumstances) yang menwajarkan perintah yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Tinggi tidak boleh dinikmati oleh Nizar.

Dalam kes ini nampaknya Mahkamah Rayuan berpendapat wujudnya keadaan istimewa tersebut tetapi kita masih kabur apakah yang keadaan istimewa tersebut kerana saya difahamkan Mahkamah masih belum mengeluarkan alasan penghakiman (dan mungkin tidak akan mengeluarkan alasan).

Selalunya jika pun Mahkamah membenarkan perintah penggantungan pelaksanaan Mahkamah akan juga dalam masa yang sama mengenakan syarat-syarat tertentu. Peguam Nizar meminta Mahkamah mengenakan beberapa syarat kepada Zambry namun meskipun peguam Zambry iaitu Dato’ Cecil Abraham pada dasarnya bersetuju syarat dikenakan ke atas Zambry, Peguam Negara pula menentang syarat dikenakan ke atas Zambry.

Adalah jelas dan nyata sejak dari awal Peguam Negara iaitu Ghani Patail tidak pernah menunjukkan sikap neutral di dalam kes ini. Beliau sejak awal menunjukan sikap memihak kepada Zambry meskipun berselindung di sebalik topeng penjaga kepentingan awam. Sikap beliau dari awal menunjukkan beliau adalah penjaga kepentingan Umno.

Peguam Negara sejak awal bersungguh ingin mematikan kes Nizar. Beliaulah yang memohon merujuk kes ini ke Mahkamah Persekutuan di bawah seksyen 84 Akta Mahkamah Keadilan. Di Mahkamah Persekutuan beliau kalah dan kes Nizar masih hidup. Selepas itu beliau sekali lagi menentang bermati-matian agar Mahkamah tidak membenarkan Nizar meneruskan permohonan semakan kehakiman dengan alasan kononnya Nizar mencabar kuasa Sultan Perak. Sekali lagi , Mahkamah tolak hujah beliau dan kes Nizar diteruskan.

Semasa kes Nizar berjalan, beliau sekali lagi berhujah dan memohon Mahkamah menolak permohonan semakan kehakiman (judicial review) Nizar. Sekali lagi Mahkamah Tinggi menolak bulat-bulat keseluruhan hujah beliau. Tiada satu pun hujah Peguam Negara yang diterima oleh Yang Arif Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi.

Akhirnya saya ingin jelaskan di sini perintah penggantungan pelaksanaan BUKAN perintah membatalkan keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi . Keputusan Mahkamah Tinggi masih sah dan mengesahkan bahawa Nizar adalah Menteri Besar yang sah dan Nazri adalah Menteri besar yang haram.

Oleh kerana menteri besar haram merayu mungkin Mahkamah rayuan berpendapat bagilah peluang menteri besar haram tersebut pegang jawatan tersebut sehingga rayuan beliau diputuskan sebab bukankah sejak dari awal beliau telah ketagih dan mabuk dengan kuasa sehingga sanggup membenarkan partinya merompak Kerajaan sah yang diterajui oleh Menteri Besar yang sah dan dipilih secara sah oleh rakyat Perak.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Gravy Train May Upset - Perak Case

By Matthias Chang

The pressure on the High Court Judge to do what is “politically correct” must have been intense.

There is a culture prevalent among some members of the judiciary that it is better to make “politically correct” decisions so as to secure one’s career than to do justice on the spurious ground that there are appellate courts which should bear the weight and responsibility of such controversial decisions.

It is the passing-the-buck syndrome. These judges would surmise that if they handed down a judgment which is not politically correct and on appeal, the judgment is overruled, it is as good as ending their career – cold storaged till retirement age.

Better that the Federal Court (the Apex Court) being the final authority, bear the brunt of the Executive’s wrath as they have the advantage of strength in numbers, as the corum of the Apex Court can be enlarged to nine. There is safety in numbers.

Therefore, credit must be given to the Honourable Justice Datuk Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahim for handing down this historic judgment.

Lawyers are officers of the court and like judges, must likewise be courageous in the discharge of their duties. They must not pander to the whims and fancies of their client, no matter how powerful.

If a case is crystal clear and the client is wrong, it behoves the lawyer to advice the client accordingly so as not to pervert the course of justice.

A courageous lawyer in such circumstances will also lend assistance to a Judge to arrive at a just decision and not succumb to the temptation to do what is deemed “politically correct”.

The observation of the Judge as to the conduct of the State Legal Adviser, Datuk Ahmad Kamal illustrates the above principle. It was reported in the Sun newspaper and I quote:

“On the issue of the affidavit by Perak State Legal Adviser Datuk Ahmad Kamal Md Shahid, Abdul Aziz ruled that he was not a neutral and impartial witness. ‘It was his own admission that he was instructed by the respondent’s counsel to affirm the affidavit. The word instructed is a very strong word. To me, he is not a neutral or impartial witness; his testimony was coloured by the instruction that he received,’ said Abdul Aziz.

“Kamal is the State Legal Adviser and his duty is to advise on all legal matters referred to him, including advising Nizar on the draft proclamation…”

Given the above observations by the said Judge, it seems to me not right for the Counsel for the respondents to “instruct” the State Legal Adviser to affirm an affidavit in the manner in which it was done.

It has been indicated by the Prime Minister that Barisan Nasional would be appealing to the Court of Appeal against the judgment handed down by the High Court.

If, the Prime Minister is sincere in his comments that politicians must be humble and gain the trust of the rakyat, then he must practice what he had preached.

And if he has the confidence and trust of the rakyat, he should have no qualms in agreeing to the dissolution of the Perak State Assembly, have a snap election and let the rakyat be the ultimate judge as to which government they want to rule over them in the state of Perak.

If the Prime Minister insist that might is right, he will be the first one-term prime minister in Malaysia. While Badawi has the ignominious distinction of having wrecked the Barisan Nasional, it would be Najib who will be vilified for burying Umno under the rubbish heap of history.

Members of Umno, you better ensure that Najib makes the right decision or your “gravy train” will be derailed for good.

[Matthias Chang is a barrister of 31 years standing and was once Political Secretary to former premier Mahathir Mohamad. He is also the author of three novels Future FastForward; Brainwashed for War, Programmed to Kill; and The Shadow Money Lenders and the Global Financial Tsunami]

Six Lessons Every Single Person Should Know

by Ms Erin Meanley

When you’ve been single for a while and start to feel discouraged that you might never meet someone, it’s easy to get down. These six reminders can help you look on the bright side of things. By I’m sensing a lot of pain out there these days … I put together a few things I’ve learned in my 30 years as a usually-single person that might be worth sharing. This is for my own sake, too — I have to remind myself to practice them. Here they are, in no particular order:

Learn to live with uncertainty. Man, I wish I could plan and control everything that happens in my life. But hey, there are far worse things than not knowing your romantic future. Imagine being diagnosed with breast cancer, treating it, and beating it … but still wondering at every next mammogram if the cancer will have come back. That’s living with uncertainty. People do it every day.

Be patient. Everything takes longer than we expect — getting that next job or promotion, waiting for a guy to commit, or finding a house or roommate or soulmate. Did I ever think I’d be single in 2009? NEVER. But the reason I’m not walking around in shock about it is because of another lesson I’ve learned — namely, that life always surprises you.

Practice a positive attitude. I have many friends who are blessed with loving husbands, children, dogs, luxury cars … even a swimming pool out back. They appear to have it all. But I cannot resent my friends their happiness. That’s so lame. Things will work out for me! They will.

Realize that life is seriously beautiful. Even though George Clooney isn’t sitting on your couch and proposing marriage (yet), you have other beautiful, moving things (e.g. the Beatles, a blue sky, good literature). Whenever I take the time to notice something … bellisimo —well, I won’t get all religious on you, but if you actually thank God or Buddha or throw it out to the universe, it reminds you there are bigger things than poor old you and your loneliness (thank goodness for that!).

Stay in the present. You know when you’re singing by yourself, and you’re actively recalling the lyrics and swaying, and then you get down on your knees and really belt out that money note? Well, that’s living in the moment. Sing, write, dance — do anything engaging. Just get in the zone as often as possible. The zone will save you.

Laugh at yourself. This is a must. Also laugh at other people or characters. Hence, I recommend watching Bridget Jones.

To conclude, we hope we can think and expect of something that more happier in our daily life. Today, think of today, and to enjoy for today. Tomorrow will come with the incertainties that we could not stop by whatever means, except by Allah's consent.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Power Crazy in Perak - 4 Months Political Turmoil

The political turmoil in Perak really make the Perak people suffer a lot. The later court decision has been regarded as playing circus shows.

Remember the whole world is looking at our judiciary system. I don't think most of of our judges like their integrity be questionable. Alternatively, I agree to what somebody says that the court decision is secondary. To me, the primary one is the people judgement through the re-election. Let the Perakians decide which party to administer the state.

The PM has stressed that the federal government will take into account the fate of the 'rakyats' first in all dealings. But in reality, is that so? Even, a KL taxi driver could give better judgment and opinion better than our ministers themselves who are mostly the 'kakaktuas' which are harmful to the country's future, progress, and development. Huh, so sorry to say that!

None among NF leaders seems follow the leadership styles of the 4 Caliphs after Muhammad. However, syukur alhamdulillah Mr Lim Guan Eng, the Chief Minister of Penang, who is a Non-Muslim ready to follow the administration's styles of Khalifah Umar Abd Aziz, which most Muslim leaders themselves do not following.

I really salute to the High Court's decision made by Datuk Abd Aziz Abd Rahim. He, who has no fear and favour able to uphold the justice. How many more judges could be like him in Malaysia? To me, many, but most of them are scared of actions to be taken by the executives, and further worry about their careers and families future.

May Allah swt give His Blessings to those who uphold justice especially based on the Islamic laws.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Today is Mother Day - Juga Mengenang Budi Pak Samat

Mother is she who always closes to our heart. If she still alive, kindly make her happy and sacrifice whatever we can to please her.

Ahmad's mother had him when she was only 15 years old. Now, she already passed away peacefully. However, Ahmad still unsatisfied with himself of unable to give everything to or please her when she was still alive.

When alone Ahmad always crying silently when thinking of her. Before she left, she had said that Ahmad's second youngest brother should died first before her because if she died first, he would suffered throughout his life. Yeah, what she said comes true. Ahmad's second youngest brother hardly to be saved now because of the surrounding factors beyond his control.

But Ahmad could not just spend time of thinking him alone, because Ahmad have now six kids to be looked and taken care of. Hope his brother would be blessed by Allah swt forever.

"I love you my brother. However, you have to change yourself. I have tried every means financially and physically to help you, but you always never listen and break my heart," murmurred Ahmad.

"May Allah gives peace upon you. I remember one Malay proverb says, 'dalam setandan kelapa mesti ada sekurang-kurangnya sebiji yang busuk.' But, if can, what we want all members in the family are okey," Ahmad added further.

To the late Tuan Hj Abd Samat, Ex-Imam of Masjid Parit Perak, may Allah swt put him in the heaven among the Sollehins. Ahmad considered Pak Samat as his father, who had helped a lot to Ahmad's family and himself during his childhood.

"Yeah 'airmataku selalu mengalir' when think all these," Ahmad said.
Ahmad, however, we have to look and move far forward confidently for development and progress of ourself, and blesses by Allah swt always.


Ahmad MB Perak in Waiting

Ahmad really fed up with what happening in Perak right now. To Ahmad was that the way BN to get power on 7th May 2009 in Perak? Really they were exhausted. Zambry and by blessing from his Big Boss had used the Machiavellian way to grab power, “The end justifies the means.”

While taking Political Science courses at USM 1988-1994, most of Ahmad’s former lecturers all of them were PhD holders. Their standards of integrity could be justified and deserved to hold their PhDs. But Zambry does not show any credibility at all as someone who has PhD in Political Science as claimed.

Ahmad hopes one day he would come back to Perak and acquire the post of MB. It is not impossible because half of the Malays in Perak are his relatives scattered in Ipoh, Batu Gajah, Perak Tengah, Kuala Kangsar, Taiping, Teluk Intan, Bagan Datoh, Tapah, and Tanjung Malim. He is the great grandson of Late Tuan Hj Mat Perak, the great Malay Warrior fought against the British rule, few times jailed in Batu Gajah and Taiping but able to produce 16 sons and daughters through one wife.

What Ahmad prepares now is to get the highest qualification in academic and his professionalism. He has been 32 years as banker. Through envy and selfishness, his bosses several times had asked him to retire with compensation of over half a million RM.

He knows almost every spots in Perak State from Parit Buntar down to Bagan Datoh, from Pangkor to Tapah, from Sungai Bayor in Selama to Bukit Larut, and from Lekir to Seberang Perak. He had gone to those places by using many means of transports included just by cycling.

He had stayed in Taiping, Tapah, and Sitiawan for more than 15 years. Not to forget his home town Parit for more than 20 years. He could close his eyes if to venture in Taiping Town or Sitiawan Town, because he had stayed at the centre of the towns for more than 10 years.

At the moment he has acquired 4 degrees; Bachelor in Economics and Political Science from USM, Bachelor in Banking and Finance (MIBM), MBA from USM, and latest LL.M from IIUM Gombak, and the PhD is the fifth for him, Insha’Allah to be completed in May 2010 also from an IPTA. The first job he held once left the Anderson Secondary School Ipoh was as Census Enumerator in Sitiawan. His areas of enumeration covered Kg Koh, Kg China, Kg Nakhoda Hitam, Kg Serdang, Kg Gurney and Kg Sitiawan.

While at the Anderson School Ipoh he was the first President/Founder of Islamic and Moral Society. If anybody tries to research, he was the President in 1976. He had successfully conducted the first Reading and Interpreting Competition of Al-Quran at Perak State level in 1976 which held at the Anderson School Ipoh. All his degrees were earned while working that seldom could be followed/done by others.

It is a fact, during studies there are so many challenges we as working adults have to face. Especially envy from our bosses and colleagues. They will try every means to fail us in our studies by not giving cooperation far of appreciation. To these bosses, we would like to remind them, that ways are really unethical. If you all bosses are really gentlemen follow what we are doing to get further/higher qualifications.

With string of qualifications we will not scary to meet anybody event the Maharajah or the PM. Criteria for good leaders are religious, Cunning, discreet, diligent, rational, integrity, ready to accept mistakes, and do not be too power crazy. Skillful and hard working only not enough. The highest knowledge must be possessed.

If to involve in politics, the party in his mind at the moment to join is PAS. His advise to PAS leaders of never to re-join UMNO/BN because a lot of weaknesses engulfing the later now right from the top down to the bottom.