Friday, April 2, 2010

Case Study: An Aladdin Bank

By: A Principled/Concerned Observer

Remunerations to staff are based on individual vis a vis a department performance. Then it was found that the measurements for performance have exposed unbearable gaps/weaknesses. Whereby, the staff must show his or her performance to others especially to their bosses. The staff cannot claim that he or she is performed if the bosses do not say so or agree to.

Hence, create the culture of polishing and favoritism. If the bosses are happy with the staff, he or she then is considered perform although pretending being busy always. So, the saying of 'yes' to please the bosses can be found everywhere and are rampant.

In the bank itself exist 1st class citizens, 2nd class citizens, 3rd class citizens, even ‘not a citizen’ at all (of being cold storage). The staff are belonged to either investment arm or the commercial side. The investment staff would get triple bonuses even reached RM1 million compared to the commercial bank staff who only get the remains which normally given a month after the later or not getting at all. In order to deny the bonuses the commercial bank staff concerned would be awarded a letter of unsatisfactory performance /performance not to expectation.

Many considered this bank as a Malay bank, but in reality, it is not. Almost 90% of the top and middle management levels are not the Malays. The Malays have been marginalized although most of them are skilful and professionally/academically qualified. The history of the Malay bank has been wiped out. The present management has changed the bank’s history, whereby it is claimed that the bank originally was a Sarawak Chinese Bank operated in 1922! Ironically, many Malays of Ameno and Perkasa members/fighters do not know this, and never talk about this phenomenon, because thinking of only their self-survivals.

To the top management, all the Malays are considered lazy and stupid. The Bank forgets that when Malaysia was going to select the first Malaysian astronauts; the top two are the Malay medical doctors!

Yes, when someone has money, he or she can do everything and anything. Then if someone has money with power, everybody will say yes and agreed with him or her in all matters. He or she can hide any weaknesses that people could not see and aware of.

Recently bonus distribution in this bank is not fairly distributed. Year 2009 this bank claimed has made profit of about RM2.9 billion. This has been declared throughout the world by almost the banking and financial mass Medias’ researchers and writers. However, majority of the staff felt that they have been given bonus lesser or not getting at all comparing to the previous year when the bank able to make profit of around RM1.8 billion only. Might this time the profit mentioned only on paper?

When recruiting for new executives, this bank would prefer those graduated from INSEAD or Cambridge only. To the management, graduates of IPTAs especially are low quality in terms of skill and qualifications’ grades. Their English are no good!

Let’s look at an Indian laborer for example who is working with PWD also can speak English well, but his standard of living? In India and Nigeria, the main language is English, do they really developed and standard of living really high? What about the Japanese and the Koreans? Their PMs would deliver speeches in their mother tongue languages when at overseas’ countries. Actually, they could speak English well, but for dignity they prefer to use interpreters!

Majority of the staff dislike the CEO’s styles of running the bank especially in terms of compensation and incentives to the majority of the staff. It is a time bomb, that any time to explode if there is sudden change of the present federal government. The CEO and his line-up cronies will get the fair fate/deal!

In politics, there are nothing is impossible. Today as friends, and later as enemies may happen. And today as enemies and later as friends also may happen, too.

Any how, never forget the Almighty Allah. And to the individual, never think that he or she is very powerful and can do anything towards others. Allah is always with someone you are victimized. In history, many incidents we can see; the fate of Saddam Hussein, Idi Amin, Ferdinand Marcos, and during revolution as happened in the French and Persian revolutions.

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