Saturday, May 23, 2009

Egoism in Perak - Have Brains Lets Think

The three judges' judgment; Sultan could select and at the same time could sack the MB? But what we laymen understand; the Sultan could select and nominate the MB but not to sack him.

Perak's fate could be ascertained by the decision of one or two or three judges? To solve the problem, then let the Perakians decide through the re-election which party they want to administer the state.

To us laymen again; Law as a guidance for our harmony and prosperty. Discreetly, on certain instances, law could be adjusted to suit what the majority's wanted.

Law is not something so sacred that forces us to follow blindly. It is as a tool to safeguard our harmony, and propagate prosperity for all.

We have brains, lets think.

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