Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Parit (Paris): A Little Tourist Spot

Parit Town is named after a man-made river near the Perak Tengah Police Station. Prior to that Parit Town was known as Pekan Belanja Kanan. Now, Parit is more or less like a idle town if compared about 40 years ago, where almost everything were there, the cinema, restaurants, textiles shops, etc.

When the cinema was there, I never missed to watch P. Ramlee’s and his closed friends’ films such as Labu Labi, Madu Tiga, Aksi Kuching, Raja Bersiong, Lampong Karam, Do-Re-Mi, Pontianak, Orang Minyak, and other popular Hindustanis’ films such as Love In Tokyo, An Evening in Paris, Waqt, and too many to be mentioned.

There were public buses that travelled from Kg Gajah to Parit, also from Teluk Sena. Still in operation are buses from company known as General that travels from Ipoh to Beruas which Parit is in the midst. This bus company has already in operation when I was not yet born!

For those who intend to relax, could come to Parit. It is now as a tourist spot. Some local drama makers also have done several shootings there, such as Wayang Tinggi Production, and the Grand Brilliant, especially around area of Pulau Cempaka Sari, near Hotel Malaysia. We can walk through a new bridge that connects Pekan Parit to Kg Belanja to the other side.

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